How does your PE, School Sport and Physical activity measure up?

Developed by industry specialists, and using the 5 Key indicators, this unique tool will provide you with an in depth report, identifying key areas of strength and areas for development. Specifically, it will look at five categories:

Physical Education (PE)

Too often PE is only about getting your kit on and kicking a ball.

PE is so much more than this! It’s about improving balance, coordination and agility- developing physical literacy.

It’s about learning how to be a member of a team and to work with others – with and without the ball. It’s about mastering skills that can be enjoyed for life.

Is your curriculum inclusive with all activities geared towards physical literacy?

School Sport

Do you make competitive sport available to all students, no matter what physical abilities they have? Can every student have the opportunity to experience the fun, excitement, and health benefits of being active and taking part in competitions.

Physical Activity (PA)

Are students meeting the 30:30 guidance on Physical Activity? Is Physical Activity integrated across the whole school with active break and lunch times?

Physical activity has been shown to improve concentration, energy, alertness and overall student health. Can you integrate physical across other areas of the curriculum including active maths and english?

Staff Confidence

For teachers, physical education is often a challenging subject to teach. The classroom environment is not as organized, and physical education involves more activity than what many teachers are used to.

Do your staff understand the value of PE and physical activity across the whole school? Do staff feel confident in delivering PE and PA sessions? 

Whole School Development

What impact are you having across the whole school?

The benefits of physical activity often go unacknowledged.

Are you using Physical Activity and PE to support behaviour, low self esteem, concentration levels and student well being?

Just 3 Simple Steps:

Carefully answer the questions.

Developed by our Primary Specialists to dig deep into your schools Primary PE, school sport and physical activity curriculum.

Get your report.

Your private and personalised school PE report will highlight your current strengths and look at key areas for development.

Set your goals.

Use the personalised report to create clear development goals. Get support on what steps to take next including a free consultation with one of our Primary PE specialist's.

The Primary PE and Sports premium has been designed to create a lasting legacy

. Are you ready to start yours?

Discover your Primary PE score and create a legacy in your school.

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